
Which Of The Following Box-and-whisker Plots Correctly Displays The Data Set? 12 11 15 12 19 20 19

Box-and-Whisker Plots

To understand box-and-whisker plots, you have to sympathize medians and quartiles of a data set.

The median is the heart number of a prepare of data, or the average of the two heart numbers (if at that place are an even number of data points).

The median ( Q 2 ) divides the information set into two parts, the upper set and the lower fix. The lower quartile ( Q 1 ) is the median of the lower half, and the upper quartile ( Q iii ) is the median of the upper half.


Find Q 1 , Q 2 , and Q 3 for the following data fix, and draw a box-and-whisker plot.

{ 2 , vi , seven , viii , viii , 11 , 12 , 13 , fourteen , fifteen , 22 , 23 }

There are 12 data points. The middle ii are 11 and 12 . And so the median, Q 2 , is 11.5 .

The "lower one-half" of the data set is the set { 2 , 6 , vii , 8 , viii , 11 } . The median here is 7.5 . So Q one = 7.5 .

The "upper half" of the information prepare is the gear up { 12 , 13 , xiv , xv , 22 , 23 } . The median here is 14.5 . So Q 3 = 14.5 .

A box-and-whisker plot displays the values Q 1 , Q 2 , and Q iii , along with the extreme values of the information set ( two and 23 , in this case):

A box & whisker plot shows a "box" with left border at Q i , right edge at Q 3 , the "center" of the box at Q 2 (the median) and the maximum and minimum equally "whiskers".

Notation that the plot divides the data into four equal parts. The left whisker represents the bottom 25 % of the data, the left half of the box represents the second 25 % , the right half of the box represents the third 25 % , and the right whisker represents the summit 25 % .


If a data value is very far abroad from the quartiles (either much less than Q 1 or much greater than Q three ), information technology is sometimes designated an outlier . Instead of beingness shown using the whiskers of the box-and-whisker plot, outliers are usually shown every bit separately plotted points.

The standard definition for an outlier is a number which is less than Q 1 or greater than Q 3 past more than than ane.five times the interquartile range ( IQR = Q 3 Q 1 ). That is, an outlier is whatever number less than Q 1 ( 1.5 × IQR ) or greater than Q 3 + ( ane.5 × IQR ) .


Find Q 1 , Q 2 , and Q iii for the following data set. Identify any outliers, and depict a box-and-whisker plot.

{ five , 40 , 42 , 46 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 50 , 52 , 53 , 55 , 56 , 58 , 75 , 102 }

There are 15 values, arranged in increasing guild. So, Q 2 is the 8 th information point, 50 .

Q 1 is the 4 th data signal, 46 , and Q three is the 12 thursday data point, 56 .

The interquartile range IQR is Q 3 Q 1 or 56 47 = 10 .

At present nosotros need to find whether there are values less than Q 1 ( i.v × IQR ) or greater than Q 3 + ( 1.5 × IQR ) .

Q 1 ( 1.5 × IQR ) = 46 15 = 31

Q iii + ( 1.5 × IQR ) = 56 + 15 = 71

Since v is less than 31 and 75 and 102 are greater than 71 , there are 3 outliers.

The box-and-whisker plot is as shown. Note that 40 and 58 are shown as the ends of the whiskers, with the outliers plotted separately.

Which Of The Following Box-and-whisker Plots Correctly Displays The Data Set? 12 11 15 12 19 20 19,


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